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Depot raises $1.8M seed round

Written by
Kyle Galbraith
Published on
24 July 2023
Announcing that we have raised a $1.8M seed round from Y Combinator, Tokyo Black, Kima Ventures, Pioneer Fund, and many incredible individual founders and operators.
Depot raises $1.8M seed round banner

We're excited to announce that Depot has raised a $1.8M seed round 🎉

We wanted to step back and share more about where Depot came from, where we are today, and where we're heading.

From bootstrapped to 400,000 builds

We first launched Depot in beta in May 2022 as a bootstrapped project. After battling slow Docker image builds for many years, we built the solution we had always wanted to use. And we believed we weren't alone in wanting a better way to build Docker images.

Today, Depot has processed over 400,000 builds. In the past month, Depot has helped over 500 organizations save thousands of hours of build time, with some saving over 20 hours of build time every day.

Builds are getting even faster with our new v2 cache storage. We've gone from making builds 2-5 times faster to making some builds 373 times faster.

What started as a bootstrapped project to solve our problem has resonated with other engineers like us. We're ecstatic every time someone drops something in our Community Discord about how much time Depot is saving them.

We're actively making developer lives easier and better. That is what drives us every day.

Our investors

To help us reach the next level, we've partnered with Y Combinator, which has funded many successful companies like Stripe, Deel, Algolia, and many others.

We're also thrilled to have participation from Tokyo Black, Kima Ventures, and Pioneer Fund, investors who deeply understand the developer tooling space and have backed companies like BuildBuddy, Airbyte, and many others.

We have some incredible founders and operators backing us in this seed round. You've likely seen a few of these names and used their products.

  • Solomon Hykes (founder of Docker & Dagger.io)
  • Ben Porterfield (founder of Looker)
  • Travis McPeak (co-founder & CEO of Resourcely)
  • Jonathan Cran (founder of Intrigue, acquired by Mandiant)

We also have several individual investors that have built and scaled companies like InfluxDB, Segment, and Pebble.

Where we're heading

We are building a platform that eliminates the pain of using containers, starting with builds:

hours saved

The entire lifecycle of containers is still too complicated. Builds are often overlooked, but there are many steps in the journey from source code to a production application. Providing solid security, performance, and reliability for that entire pipeline is far too difficult.

We also believe that developer experience is neglected, and that a high standard of quality is not only possible but necessary. High-quality tools empower developers, get out of their way, and provide security and reliability in the happy path. They are targeted at what is most challenging today, not what is already easy.

We're building a platform that makes using containers delightful. It's time to rethink how we build, deploy, and leverage them for a new era of development.

Over the coming months, we'll be building out the components of this vision and expanding the way you can leverage Depot to build, deploy, and run containers.

Your builds have never been this quick.
Start building