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GitHub Actions Price Calculator

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Your GitHub plan includes 3,000 minutes per month on GitHub-hosted standard runners.
Monthly total
Minutes used
per month
per month
GitHubLinuxx6427 GB14 GB$0.008 
GitHubLinuxx6428 GB75 GB$0.008 
GitHubLinuxx64416 GB150 GB$0.016 
GitHubLinuxx64832 GB300 GB$0.032 
GitHubLinuxx641664 GB600 GB$0.064 
GitHubLinuxx6432128 GB1200 GB$0.128 
GitHubLinuxx6464256 GB2040 GB$0.256 
GitHubLinuxarm6428 GB75 GB$0.005 
GitHubLinuxarm64416 GB150 GB$0.010 
GitHubLinuxarm64832 GB300 GB$0.020 
GitHubLinuxarm641664 GB600 GB$0.040 
GitHubLinuxarm6432128 GB1200 GB$0.080 
GitHubLinuxarm6464208 GB2040 GB$0.160 
GitHubmacOSarm6437 GB14 GB$0.080 
GitHubmacOSarm64614 GB14 GB$0.160 
GitHubmacOSx64414 GB14 GB$0.080 
GitHubmacOSx641230 GB14 GB$0.120 
GitHubWindowsx6427 GB14 GB$0.016 
GitHubWindowsx64416 GB150 GB$0.032 
GitHubWindowsx64832 GB300 GB$0.064 
GitHubWindowsx641664 GB600 GB$0.128 
GitHubWindowsx6432128 GB1200 GB$0.256 
GitHubWindowsx6464256 GB2040 GB$0.512 
GitHubWindowsarm64416 GB150 GB$0.020 
GitHubWindowsarm64832 GB300 GB$0.040 
GitHubWindowsarm641664 GB600 GB$0.080 
GitHubWindowsarm6432128 GB1200 GB$0.160 
GitHubWindowsarm6464208 GB2040 GB$0.320 

GitHub Actions Pricing FAQs

We've been using GitHub Actions in one form or another throughout our careers. In addition to providing this calculator, we thought we would share some of the common questions we've seen and answered regarding GitHub Actions pricing.

How many minutes are included in my GitHub plan?

Each GitHub plan includes a number of monthly minutes that can be used on GitHub-hosted runners and an amount of storage per month for GitHub Actions artifacts and GitHub Packages.

  • Free plan includes 2,000 minutes and 500 MB of storage per month
  • Pro plan includes 3,000 minutes and 1 GB of storage per month
  • Free plan for Organizations includes 2,000 minutes and 500 MB of storage per month
  • Team plan includes 3,000 minutes and 2 GB of storage per month
  • Enterprise Cloud plan includes 50,000 minutes and 50 GB of storage per month

What is a standard runner?

Standard runners are a pre-defined runner for each operating system and their resources differ between public and private repositories.

Standard runners for public repositories — these runners are free and unlimited for public repositories.

VM TypeCPUMemoryStorageArchitecture
Linux416 GB14 GBx64
Windows416 GB14 GBx64
Linux416 GB14 GBarm64
macOS414 GB14 GBIntel
macOS3 (M1)7 GB14 GBarm64

Standard runners for private repositories — these runners consume minutes included in your GitHub plan.

VM TypeCPUMemoryStorageArchitecture
Linux27 GB14 GBx64
Windows27 GB14 GBx64
macOS414 GB14 GBIntel
macOS3 (M1)7 GB14 GBarm64

How do minute multipliers work in GitHub Actions?

GitHub applies minute multipliers to support Windows and macOS runners. These multipliers are already reflected in the per-minute rate of those runner types. But, Windows runners have a 2x multiplier and macOS runners have a 10x multiplier.

How many concurrent GitHub Actions jobs can you have?

Each GitHub plan has a max job concurrency depending on whether you're using Standard GitHub-hosted runners or GitHub-hosted larger runners.

  • Free plan has a max of 20 concurrent jobs and 5 macOS jobs
  • Pro plan has a max of 40 concurrent jobs and 5 macOS jobs
  • Team plan has a max of 60 concurrent jobs and 5 macOS jobs for standard runners. Larger runners have a max of 1,000 concurrent jobs and 5 macOS jobs.
  • Enterprise Cloud plan has a max of 500 concurrent jobs and 50 macOS jobs for standard runners. Larger runners have a max of 1,000 concurrent jobs and 50 macOS jobs.

Who can use GitHub-hosted larger runners?

Larger GitHub-hosted runners are only available on the GitHub Team and Enterprise plans. Included minutes cannot be used on larger runners and larger runners are not free for public repositories.

What is the max execution time for a GitHub Actions job?

GitHub enforces a 6-hour limit on the execution time of a GitHub Actions job. When the limit is reached, they terminate the job.

What is the workflow execution time for a GitHub Actions workflow?

Each run of a GitHub Actions workflow is restricted to 35 days. When workflow runs for longer than that, it's cancelled. The end to end time includes not only exeuction time for the jobs in the workflow, but also any time spent waiting or approval.

Is there any limits to GitHub Actions webhooks?

Yes. GitHub Actions enforces a webhook rate limit of 1,500 events triggered in a 10 second window. When the limit is reached, job runs that were triggered by webhooks will be blocked and not allowed to queue.