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Go 1.24 remote caching explained

Written by
Chris Goller
Published on
3 March 2025
Go 1.24 introduces external caching, allowing the compiler to offload cache management to an external program. This fine-grained approach improves build efficiency. Here’s how it works under the hood.
Go 1.24 remote caching explained banner

At Depot, we’re obsessed with software performance, and to that end, we’re always looking for ways to improve build pipeline speed using strategies like caching.

When we heard that external caching was getting added to the Go compiler in version 1.24, knowing that the Go compiler is already incredibly fast, we wondered: Could Go caching with Depot make it even faster?

Spoiler alert: It does. In this article, we’ll explain how Go caching used to work, how it works in Go version 1.24, and how you can utilize the feature with Depot.

How did caching work in Go before?

Go has always had a great caching system. Before Go 1.24, the go command managed the build cache in the file system itself. The build outputs were put into a cache directory to reuse for future builds, and that caching system would account for changes to Go source files, compilers, compiler options, and so on.

However, the cache system only supported file system caching. File-system caching can be a performance problem in CI. The entire file system cache directory is saved and restored as a single compressed tar file in CI. The tar file could be so large that the restore and save could take longer than the build itself. I’ll describe this single tar file as “coarse-grained” caching because it contains every possible file. A coarse-grained cache can be a disadvantage if it contains more content than what you need.

How caching works now in version 1.24

In version 1.24, the Go caching system can now be implemented externally. The environment variable GOCACHEPROG can be set to the name of a command that handles caching.

The Go compiler executes the program as a long running subprocess. The program implements a streaming JSON Lines protocol over stdin and stdout. Go asks the cache program to PUT and GET individual files. The compiler will use the cached files for building executables and tests.

Because the compiler runs an external cache program, that program can use any caching policy it wants. For example, the external program can use remote storage like that offered by Depot Cache. Importantly, the cache program is “fine-grained” because it gets just the files a build needs. A fine-grained cache can be much faster than the typical coarse CI cache directory.

Remote Go cache with Depot

We knew this Go change was coming, and so we did some engineering work so that Depot Cache could support remote Go cache.

That functionality is live, and it’s pretty dang easy to set up, which is something we strive for in every new feature and capability we add. All you have to do is set the environment variable GOCACHEPROG to “depot gocache”, and the Go compiler will GET and PUT cache entries to the Depot Cache global store.

Okay, but is it fast, fast?

Yeah, it’s fast. The Go compiler is legendary for its speed in and of itself. We wanted to know how fast it is in a CI environment, though. So we simulated building a large Go project, Tailscale (in homage, we might add, to the primary author of GOCACHEPROG, Brad Fitzpatrick).

Without any cache, Tailscale and Tailscaled build in about one minute. With remote caching through Depot, however, we can shave 22% off that build time:

Tailscale build speed without remote caching
Tailscale build speed with remote caching

The remote cache even stores test and lint builds, so even they get a slight speed-up:

Tailscale test speed without remote caching
Tailscale test speed with remote caching

How does GOCACHEPROG work?

The new Go cache system has a wonderful architecture that separates concerns. The Go compiler asks GOCACHEPROG for a cached file by sending a key, and the external cache program sends back a path to a file on disk. We particularly like this architecture because it doesn’t dictate how to get the data. Other remote cache systems require you to implement a memory-intensive gRPC network protocol with a multitude of configurable options. Because they require a specific network communication protocol, your design is dictated down to the very last byte.

The Go system, again, just asks for a key and returns a file path. Because it simply wants to read from that file path, it’s not dictating to you how to get the file, nor how to interact with the remote cache. You get to decide how to get and interact with the file.

Let’s take a deeper dive into how GOCACHEPROG works. First, some definitions used by the Go compiler:

  • Action: the compiler executes an action that might be compiling a file, linking an executable, etc.
  • ActionID: the compiler hashes the inputs to the action that produced the packages or binary to make an ActionID. The inputs could be the operating system, architecture, file, etc.
  • Output: the action execution output.
  • OutputID: the compiler hashes the content of the output to make an OutputID.


The compiler executes GOCACHEPROG as a subprocess that runs for the entire compilation process. The compiler and GOCACHEPROG communicate over stdin and stdout. Each command from the compiler and response from GOCACHEPROG are newline delimited JSON.

GOCACHEPROG initializes the protocol by sending the first message describing its capabilities. The first message sent to the Go compiler looks like this:

{ "ID": 0, "KnownCommands": ["get", "put", "close"] }\n

This message tells the Go compiler that the GOCACHEPROG supports the “get”, “put” and “close” commands. Get means that the compiler can get cached files; put means the compiler can put cached files; and close means that the compiler will let GOCACHEPROG know when the compile has finished.


After the GOCACHEPROG initial capabilities message, the Go compiler begins sending numbered “get” and “put” requests.


A GET request looks like this:

{ "ID": 1, "Command": "get", "ActionID": "<base64 ActionID>" }\n

The GOCACHEPROG response ID must correspond with the compiler request ID. The ActionID is the cache key to find. If GOCACHEPROG has the ActionID in cache it should respond like this:

{ "ID": 1, "OutputID:"<base64 OutputID>", "Size":8, "Time":"<RFC3339>", "DiskPath":"<path>" }\n

We’ll talk about OutputID in a moment when we talk about “put.” The Size is the size of the cached ActionID in bytes. The Time is an RFC 3339 formatted time when the ActionID was cached. Finally, and most importantly, the DiskPath is the file path where GOCACHEPROG wrote the content. For example, in depot gocache we place the files in $HOME/.cache/go-build.

The compiler uses the content at DiskPath rather than compiling.

However, if GOCACHEPROG does not have ActionID, it should respond with a cache miss like this:

{ "ID": 1, "Miss": true }\n


The compiler’s PUT request is a bit more complicated because it has two lines. The first request line looks like:

{ "ID": 2, "Command": "put", "ActionID": "<base64 ActionID>", "OutputID": "<base64 OutputID>", "BodySize": 128 }\n

And the second request line looks like this:

"<base64 of file content>"\n

The OutputID, as mentioned above, is the hash of the file content. Technically, we're supposed to treat the OutputID as opaque bytes, but (between us) it’s the SHA-256. It needs to be stored along with the file content and returned with the “get” response.

The second request line is a JSON string of the base64-encoded bytes of the file. Note that sometimes the size of the file is zero bytes and the second request line will be absent.

In depot gocache we set the cache key to the ActionID. The content of our cache key is the OutputID followed by the file content.

GOCACHEPROG responds to a PUT request like this:

{ "ID": 2, "DiskPath": "<path>" }\n

The DiskPath must contain the cache file content. In depot gocache we store the content both on the filesystem and in our global remote cache. We write to the global remote cache in a background go routine to reduce latency.


When the Go compiler finishes compiling it will send a close command like this:

{ "ID": 3, "Command": "close" }\n

The compiler will wait indefinitely for GOCACHEPROG to exit, which allows GOCACHEPROG time to finish and clean up.

For depot gocache we wait ten seconds for any remaining PUT requests to the global remote cache to finish writing.


GOCACHEPROG can respond to any request with an error. The compiler will print the error message and continue to execute the action without cache. An error response looks like this:

{ "ID": 1, "Err": "error message" }\n

Final Thoughts and the Future

The new external caching in Go 1.24 is really cool. It allows developers to tune caching, especially in CI environments. Our new depot gocache command can help reduce build times with minimal setup.

In the future I could imagine further optimizations where depot gocache could optimistically download the latest used cache. This way the files could already be available to the compiler before it even asks for them.

Give depot gocache a try! The only thing better than a fast Go compiler, after all, is a faster one 😉.

Chris Goller
Principal Software Engineer at Depot
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