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Now available: Dagger Functions for Depot

Written by
Kyle Galbraith
Published on
29 February 2024
We're excited to announce that we've released a set of Dagger Functions for Depot. You can use them to offload any build or bake operation to Depot and use the built image in your own Dagger code via our ephemeral registry.
Now available: Dagger Functions for Depot banner

We're excited to announce that we have released a set of Dagger Functions for Depot that allows you to offload any build or bake operation to Depot and use the resulting image in your own Dagger code. The power of Depot combined with Dagger unlocks a lot of exciting use cases that will be incredibly valuable in the future as Dagger adoption continues to ramp up.

How it works

We've launched our own Depot module, which is a collection of Dagger Functions that interface with our existing depot build and depot bake commands.

We can create a very simple Dockerfile to demonstrate the power of Dagger with Depot:

FROM cgr.dev/chainguard/node:latest
ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "chainguard node"]

You can leverage the module in your Dagger setup in two ways. The first is to invoke the Dagger functions in the module directly from the Dagger CLI:

dagger -m github.com/depot/daggerverse/depot call \
  build --token env:DEPOT_TOKEN --project <depot-project-id> --directory . container

The CLI here invokes the build function inside the Depot module, passing in the usual required flags for the depot build command. Notably, the project token, --token, comes from an environment variable called DEPOT_TOKEN. By default, the function will then build and return the image via our ephemeral registry. Given our basic Dockerfile above, we can see the module in action:

The second way to use the Depot module is to leverage it in your own Dagger module. We recommend following the Dagger module quickstart to get started with a Dagger module.

Here is an example of a Dagger module that uses the Depot module inside:

package main
import (
type DaggerModuleTest struct{}
func (m *DaggerModuleTest) CheckCVEs(ctx context.Context, depotToken *Secret, project string, directory *Directory) (string, error) {
  artifact := dag.Depot().Build(depotToken, project, directory, DepotBuildOpts{Sbom: true})
  sbomFile := artifact.Sbom()
  return dag.
    WithFile("/mnt/sbom.spdx.json", sbomFile).
    WithExec([]string{"sbom:/mnt/sbom.spdx.json", "--fail-on=high"}).

This example shows the additional power you get when you combine Depot for the image build with the ability to chain modules and functions in Dagger.

The DaggerModuleTest module exposes a function, CheckCVEs, that builds the image via the Depot module, asking for an SBOM to be generated, and then runs Grype on the resulting bill of materials, failing the build if any high severity CVEs are found.

From within the DaggerModuleTest module, we can call the CheckCVEs function via the Dagger CLI:

dagger call checkCves \
  --depot-token env:DEPOT_TOKEN \
  --project <depot-project-id> \
  --directory .

Here is what leveraging the Depot module in a new Dagger module looks like in action:

We see that our build didn't fail because we don't have any high-severity CVEs in our base image, but if we were to change the base image to something like node:16-alpine, we would see the build fail:

You can see more examples of how you can use the Depot module with Dagger for quite a few other use cases in our Daggerverse repo.

What's next

We're excited to see what the community does with the new Dagger Functions for Depot! There are quite a few exciting new use cases that combining Depot with Dagger unlocks, and we can't wait to see what you build.

We will be exploring new modules we can build that allow you to codify more of your CI/CD pipeline in Dagger while combining the features of Depot to make your CI/CD pipeline faster and more efficient. You can stay tuned on those ideas in our Discord Community.

Kyle Galbraith
CEO & Co-founder of Depot
Platform Engineer who despises slow builds turned founder. Expat living in 🇫🇷
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