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Buildx bake deep dive: Bake all your images with one command

Written by
Kyle Galbraith
Published on
19 February 2024
This article explains how BuildKit works in depth, why it's faster than Docker's previous build engine, and what it looks like under the hood.
Buildx bake deep dive: Bake all your images with one command banner

In this post we will take a deep dive into how docker buildx bake works. We'll look at what bake is, why it's relevant to various use cases, and how you can use it to build your Docker images faster.

What is bake?

docker buildx bake is a command that allows you to build multiple Docker images simultaneously. It enables you to define all of your images in a single file and build them all in parallel from a single command. Bake is like a task runner for building Docker images. It allows you to efficiently leverage the parallelization of BuildKit.

In practice, we often see bake used with Depot in the following scenarios:

  • Monorepos - If you have a monorepo with multiple services, you can use bake to build all of the images in parallel.
  • Multiple images that share dependencies - If you have multiple images that share a common base image, you can use bake to build them all in parallel and take advantage of BuildKit's deduplication of work.
  • Programmatic builds - If you want to parameterize your Dockerfile and trigger different steps in the build from the outside, bake can be a great tool to do that.
  • Docker Compose - If you use Docker Compose to define your application, you can use bake to build all of the images in your Compose file in parallel.

Why use bake?

Using buildx bake or depot bake allows you to leverage the parallelization and deduplication of work that BuildKit provides.

You could use other tools like make to place all of the Docker image builds behind a single command, but all the builds would happen sequentially. Redoing common work multiple times across builds.

With buildx bake, you can define all of these builds in a single file to run them all in parallel and get deduplication of work for free via BuildKit. Here is an example bake file written in HCL:

Note: You can write bake files in HCL, JSON, or Docker Compose format. We'll explore more of the syntax in a moment.

group "default" {
  targets = ["original", "db", "cron"]
target "app" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.app"
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags = ["repo/app:test"]
target "db" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.db"
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags = ["repo/db:test"]
target "cron" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.cron"
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags = ["repo/cron:test"]

There are two key components in this bake file:

  • Group - This is a top-level construct that allows you to define a group of targets. This is useful for defining a set of targets you want to build together. In this example, we have a single group called default containing all our targets. When you run docker buildx bake without specifying a group, it will use the default group.
  • Target - This represents a single docker build or depot build. A target is a single Docker image that you want to build. This example has three targets: app, db, and cron. Each target has a dockerfile that points to the Dockerfile that you want to build, a platforms field that specifies the platforms that you want to build for, and a tags field that specifies the tags that you want to apply to the image.

How does bake work?

When you run docker buildx bake, it reads the bake file and builds all the targets in parallel. It uses BuildKit to build the images, which means it can take advantage of BuildKit's parallelization and deduplication of work.

By default, bake will look for the following bake file references without specifying a file:

  • compose.yaml
  • compose.yml
  • docker-compose.yml
  • docker-compose.yaml
  • docker-bake.json
  • docker-bake.override.json
  • docker-bake.hcl
  • docker-bake.override.hcl

You can also specify a bake file with the --file flag:

docker buildx bake -f my-bake-file.hcl

As mentioned earlier, if you call bake without specifying a group or target, it will use the default group. You can specify a group or target(s) directly in the call. For example, if we only wanted to build the app and db images from the previous example, we could run:

docker buildx bake app db

Bake under the hood

A target defines a single Docker image build in a bake file. So, when you look at a bake file, you can think of it as a list of docker build commands. So, the number of targets in your bake file will represent the number of images you build in parallel against a single BuildKit instance.

BuildKit builds each target concurrently and deduplicates common work across targets. In practice, one target will compute the common work, and the others will just reuse that result.

Example of deduplicating work

The power of BuildKit deduplication can shine when you are leveraging bake. Here is an example bake file to help illustrate where deduplication comes in:

target "base" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.base"
  platforms  = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags       = ["repo/base:${TAG}"]
target "app" {
  contexts = {
    base = "target:base"
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.app"
  platforms  = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags       = ["repo/app:${TAG}"]
target "db" {
  contexts = {
    base = "target:base"
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.db"
  platforms  = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags       = ["repo/cron:${TAG}"]

The contexts property on the app and db targets tells BuildKit that they depend on the base target. When you run docker buildx bake app db, BuildKit will first build the base target and then use that result for the app and db targets.

But here's the cool part: BuildKit will only build the base target once, even though there are two different targets specifying it. This is because BuildKit can deduplicate the work across targets and reuse the result of the base target for the app and db targets.

Bake file syntax in HCL

We've already covered the group and target constructs in a bake file, but you can do a few more things with a bake file.

  • target defines the build target of an image.
  • group defines a group of targets.
  • variable exists to define build arguments and variables.
  • function exists for custom Bake functions.

It's generally considered best practice to write your bake files in HCL as that is where the most features are available. However, you can also write bake files in JSON or Docker Compose format.

target syntax

The target property represents a single docker build command. It has the following properties.


This is equivalent to the --build-arg flag in docker build. It allows you to pass build arguments to the build. Here is an example of how you would use the args property:

target "app" {
  args = {
    FOO = "bar"


You can use this property to add annotations to images built via bake. It accepts a list of key-value pairs. By default, bake only adds annotations to image manifests, but you can use prefixes to add the annotations to additional levels like the image index.

Here is an example of how you would use the annotations property:

target "app" {
  annotations = ["org.opencontainers.image.version=1.0.0"]
target "app2" {
  annotations = ["index,manifest:org.opencontainers.image.version=1.0.0"]

The app target will add the annotation to the image manifest, and the app2 target will add the annotation to the root image index and the manifest. The complete list of annotation levels supported are:

  • manifest to annotate the image manifests
  • index to annotate the root image index
  • manifest-descriptor to annotate the manifest descriptors in the index
  • index-descriptor to annotate the index descriptor in the image layout


This allows you to add build attestations to the image being built in the target. In the image build, you can use this property to set the --sbom and --provenance flags. Here is an example of how you would use the attest property:

target "app" {
  attest = [


This allows you to specify a list of cache sources that the BuildKit builder will import when building the target. It's the equivalent of --cache-from. Here is an example of how you would use the cache-from property:

target "app" {
  cache-from = ["type=registry,ref=repo/app:cache"]


This allows you to specify a cache destination that the BuildKit builder will export to when building the given target. It's the equivalent of --cache-to. Here is an example of how you would use the cache-to property:

target "app" {
  cache-to = ["type=registry,ref=repo/app:cache"]


This is the same as the build context positional argument in docker build. You can specify the local path to use as the build context or a remote path via a URL. Here is an example of how you would use the context property:

target "app" {
  context = "path/to/context"

Note: If you don't specify a context for a target, it will default to the current working directory.


This allows you to define additional build contexts for the target. This is useful when you reference another context inside your Dockerfile via a FROM statement or --from=name. Here is an example of how you would use the contexts property:

target "base" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.base"
target "app" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.app"
  contexts = {
    base = "target:base"

Here, the app target references the base target as a context. This means that when the app target is built, it will have the additional context, base, available. So, the Dockerfile.app can reference that context in a FROM statement.

# Dockerfile.app
FROM base


This allows you to specify the Dockerfile content inline in the bake file. This is useful to avoid creating a separate Dockerfile on disk. Here is an example of how you would use the dockerfile-inline property:

target "app" {
  dockerfile-inline = "FROM node\nRUN echo app"


This is the path to the Dockerfile to use for the image build of the target. It's the equivalent of the -f flag in docker build. Here is an example of how you would use the dockerfile property:

target "app" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.app"

Note: If you don't specify a Dockerfile for a target, it will default to Dockerfile.


This allows you to inherit properties from other targets. This is useful when you want to reuse properties from another target. Here is an example of how you would use the inherit property:

target "base" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.base"
  platforms  = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags       = ["repo/base:${TAG}"]
target "app" {
  inherits   = "target:base"
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.app"
  tags       = ["repo/app:${TAG}"]

In this example, the app target inherits the platforms properties from the base target. This means the app target will be built for the same platforms as the base target.


This allows you to set the --label flag for the image build. Here is an example of how you would use the labels property:

target "app" {
  labels = {
    "org.opencontainers.image.version" = "1.0.0"


This lets you parameterize a single target to build images for different inputs. This is particularly helpful for removing duplication of targets in your bake file. Here is an example of how you would use the matrix property:

target "build" {
  name = "build-${app}"
  matrix = {
    app = ["app", "db", "cron"]
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.${app}"
  platforms  = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
  tags       = ["repo/${app}:${TAG}"]

Here we have a generic build target to build images for app, db, and cron. This is useful when you have multiple targets that are very similar, and you want to avoid duplicating the properties across multiple targets.

Note: The name property is required when using the matrix property to create the unique image build for each value in the matrix.


This allows you to set the --no-cache-filter flag for the image build. It's handy for telling the build to skip the cache for certain stages. Here is an example of how you would use the no-cache-filter property:

target "app" {
  no-cache-filter = "build"

This will skip the cache for the build stage in the Dockerfile.


This allows you to set the image build's --no-cache flag. It's handy for telling the build to skip the cache entirely. Here is an example of how you would use the no-cache property:

target "app" {
  no-cache = true


This allows you to set the image build's --output flag. You can control the export action you want after your build. Here is an example of how you would use the output property:

target "app" {
  output = "outputdir"

This tells the app target to export its build result to the outputdir directory.


This allows you to set the --platform flag for the image build. You can use this to control the platforms you want to build for. Here is an example of how you would use the platforms property:

target "app" {
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]

This will build an image for both Intel and Arm. With docker buildx bake, this will default to using emulation to build for the non-native platform. With depot bake, it will build for both platforms in parallel on native CPUs.


This allows you to set the --pull flag for the image build. It can tell the builder whether or not to pull images during the build. Here is an example of how you would use the pull property to tell BuildKit to always pull images:

target "app" {
  pull = "always"


This allows you to set the --secret flag for the image build. It will enable you to expose secrets to the build using RUN --mount=type=secret. Here is an example of how you would use the secret property:

target "app" {
  secret = [


This allows you to set the --ssh flag for the image build. It allows you to expose SSH keys to the build using RUN --mount=type=ssh. Here is an example of how you would use the ssh property:

target "app" {
  ssh = [


This allows you to set the --tags flag for the image build. It's the equivalent of the -t flag in docker build. Here is an example of how you would use the tags property:

target "app" {
  tags = ["repo/app:test"]


This allows you to set the --target flag for the image build. It will enable you to specify a specific target for the build in a multi-stage Dockerfile. Here is an example of how you would use the target property:

target "app" {
  target = "build"

This tells the build to build everything up to the build stage in the Dockerfile and create a final image up to that stage.

group syntax

A group defines a set of targets to build at once. They take precedence over any targets that share the same name. Here is an example of multiple groups:

group "default" {
  targets = ["app", "db", "cron"]
group "app-db" {
  targets = ["app", "db"]

variable syntax

When writing a bake file in HCL, you can define variable blocks that can be used in your Dockerfile or for property values in your targets. Here is an example of how you would use the variable block:

variable "TAG" {
  default = "latest"
target "app" {
  tags = ["repo/app:${TAG}"]

If you invoke this from the outside with the TAG variable set, it will override the default value:

TAG=production docker buildx bake app

Built-in variables

There are two variables always available to you in a bake file:

  1. BAKE_CMD_CONTEXT - Contains the main context when building from a remote bake file.
  2. BAKE_LOCAL_PLATFORM - This tells you the platform of the host running the bake command.

Using bake with Docker Compose

You can also use a Docker Compose file as a bake file. It has limitations, like not supporting inherits or variable blocks. But it's a great way to build multiple services in parallel. Here is an example of a Docker Compose file used as a bake file:

      dockerfile: Dockerfile.app
        - linux/amd64
        - linux/arm64
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.db
        - linux/amd64
        - linux/arm64
      dockerfile: Dockerfile.cron
        - linux/amd64
        - linux/arm64

When you run docker buildx bake -f compose.yaml, it will build all of the services in parallel as separate targets.

You can also specify a .env file next to your compose file to pass in environment variables to the build. Here is an example where our app target uses an environment variable:

      dockerfile: Dockerfile.app
        - linux/amd64
        - linux/arm64
        - 'repo/app:${TAG}'
# .env file

Using bake in GitHub Actions

Docker has published an action, docker/bake-action, that allows you to use docker buildx bake in your GitHub Actions workflows. Here is an example of how you would use the docker/bake-action in a GitHub Actions workflow:

name: bake images
      - 'main'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
      - name: Build and push images in bake file
        uses: docker/bake-action@v4
          push: true

This will run docker buildx bake on every push to the main branch and push the images to the registry.

Even faster bake with Depot

Depot is a remote container build service running an optimized version of BuildKit on fast cloud VMs for Intel & Arm with automatic persistent caching across builds. We've optimized the build process to be even faster than running docker buildx bake on your local machine.

Our CLI, depot, is a drop-in replacement for the build options available in Docker. Including build and bake. You can use Depot by switching docker for depot in your commands.

- docker buildx bake
+ depot bake

Behind the scenes, Depot builds your images on 16 CPU core machines with 32 GB of memory. We also persist your cache to fast NVMe storage that is instantly available across builds. We also run native Intel & Arm BuildKit builders so that you can build images on native CPUs instead of relying on emulation.

Depot builds your Docker images up to 40x faster with a single line code change.

If you're interested in getting an even faster bake, you can sign up for our 7-day free trial and start using Depot today.

Your builds have never been this quick.
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