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New build summary link and a refreshed UI

Written by
Jacob Gillespie
Published on
6 June 2023
We're added a build summary link for every build and refreshed the build details UI to make it easier to see what's going on with your builds at a glance.
New build summary link and a refreshed UI banner

A refreshed build details UI has launched! We've also added a build summary link in the output of every build that links to the UI, to make it easier to associate the build output with the build details.

The Depot CLI now prints a Build Summary link after every build, with a direct link to the build details page:

Screenshot showing a build summary link in a GitHub Actions build log

UI refresh for Builds

We've also added some additional details to the build summary page to make it easier to understand at a glance what happened during the builds:

  1. Any tags that were applied to the build with -t or --tag: Screenshot showing what tags were applied to the build

  2. The percentage of the build that was cached, represented by a pie chart: Screenshot showing that 11 of 14 build steps were cached

  3. If the build was pushed to a remote registry with --push: Screenshot showing that the image was pushed to a registry

  4. If the build was loaded back from the remote builder to the local machine with --load: Screenshot showing that the image was loaded


The new summary link is available in versions 2.16.0 and above of the Depot CLI, and the UI refresh is now available for all Depot organizations.

Jacob Gillespie
CTO & Co-founder of Depot
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