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👩‍🚀 Introducing Depot Registry
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With the v2.84.0 release of the depot CLI, we now support saving custom tags for your builds! This will save any tags that are specified with the --save-tag flag to the Depot Registry. You can use these custom tags in place of a build ID when trying to pull down a specific build.

$ depot build . --save-tag=latest --save-tag=v0.1.0 --save

Saved target:
        To pull: depot pull --project fhghgfvwcd hb0lbw8t1z
        To pull save-tags:
                docker login registry.depot.dev -u x-token -p $(depot pull-token)

                docker pull registry.depot.dev/fhghgfvwcd:latest
                docker pull registry.depot.dev/fhghgfvwcd:v0.1.0

        To push: depot push --project fhghgfvwcd --tag <REPOSITORY:TAG> qb0bzmrt1w
$ depot bake --save-tag=latest --save-tag=v0.1.0 --save

Saved targets: app,db
        To pull: depot pull --project fhghgfvwcd 8wdq1whv9j
        To pull save-tags:
                docker login registry.depot.dev -u x-token -p $(depot pull-token)

                docker pull registry.depot.dev/fhghgfvwcd:latest-app
                docker pull registry.depot.dev/fhghgfvwcd:v0.1.0-app
                docker pull registry.depot.dev/fhghgfvwcd:latest-db
                docker pull registry.depot.dev/fhghgfvwcd:v0.1.0-db

        To push: depot push --target <TARGET> --project fhghgfvwcd --tag <REPOSITORY:TAG> 1wd5pvxv9j
group "default" {
  targets = ["app", "db"]

target "app" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile"
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]

target "db" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile"
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]