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Our latest release of the depot CLI includes an excellent new enhancement to depot bake --load that was previously not possible.

Before the latest release, depot bake --load would always pull back all targets in a bake file rather than just the target specified in the build. For example, if you had a bake file with 10 targets and you only wanted to build one of them, you would still have to pull back all 10 targets.

Instead, we now only pull back the targets specified in the build. This means that if you have a bake file with 10 targets and you only want to build one of them, you will only pull back the one target.

depot bake --load <target>

It works for groups as well! If you have a group with two targets and you request that group in your bake command, we will only pull back the two targets in that group.

group "test" {
  targets = ["app", "db"]

target "app" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.app"

target "db" {
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile.db"

So if you run depot bake --load for the test group, we will only pull back the app and db targets.

depot bake --load test