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👩‍🚀 Introducing Depot Registry

Build faster. Waste less time.

Accelerate your Docker image builds and GitHub Actions workflows. Easily integrate
with your existing CI provider and dev workflows to save hours of build time.
App Screenshot
Powering the world's best engineering teams
From early-stage startups to public companies
The Depot Platform
Combining advanced software, powerful compute, and a globally-distributed cache to accelerate builds.
Remote container builds
Replace docker build with depot build. Native support for Intel and Arm images. Automatic layer caching. Use with your existing CI provider and dev workflows.
- docker build .
+ depot build .
--tag depot/app:latest --target app --file docker/Dockerfile --build-arg COMMIT=6fc3900f --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --progress plain --ssh default --push
GitHub Actions runners
Hosted in AWS, with 30% faster CPUs, 10x faster networking and cache throughput, unrestricted concurrency, at half the cost of GitHub-hosted runners.
Add Depot build workflows
Depot CI #37
Build with Depot
Build with Depot
succeeded 8 hours ago in 19s
Set up job
Run actions/checkout@v3
Run depot/setup-action@v1
Run depot build
Depot Cache
Make all builds incremental with distributed remote caching for Bazel, Go, Gradle, Turborepo, sccache, and Pants.
Integrate with any CI provider and share cache with your entire team, even in local development.
export SCCACHE_WEBDAV_ENDPOINT=https://cache.depot.dev
export RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache
$ cargo build --release
Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.13 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.92 Compiling libc v0.2.167 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling serde v1.0.215 Compiling autocfg v1.1.0 Compiling once_cell v1.20.2
Build API for Platforms
Programatically build container images on behalf of your customers in a secure, isolated environment.
gRPC, Connect, and HTTP/JSON support, with a variety of language SDKs and integrations.
syntax = "proto3";
package depot.core.v1;
service ProjectService {
rpc ListProjects(ListProjectsRequest) returns (ListProjectsResponse) {
rpc GetProject(GetProjectRequest) returns (GetProjectResponse) {
rpc CreateProject(CreateProjectRequest) returns (CreateProjectResponse) {
rpc UpdateProject(UpdateProjectRequest) returns (UpdateProjectResponse) {
rpc DeleteProject(DeleteProjectRequest) returns (DeleteProjectResponse) {
rpc ListTrustPolicies(ListTrustPoliciesRequest) returns (ListTrustPoliciesResponse) {
rpc AddTrustPolicy(AddTrustPolicyRequest) returns (AddTrustPolicyResponse) {
rpc RemoveTrustPolicy(RemoveTrustPolicyRequest) returns (RemoveTrustPolicyResponse) {
Live Benchmarks
Unrivaled Performance
Over 52,110 hours saved last week.
50x faster
With Depot
2m 35s
Without Depot
128m 2s
27x faster
With Depot
2m 58s
Without Depot
81m 12s
5.3x faster
With Depot
3m 47s
Without Depot
20m 7s
1.8x faster
With Depot
6m 51s
Without Depot
12m 3s
2.4x faster
With Depot
2m 34s
Without Depot
6m 6s
1.3x faster
With Depot
21m 3s
Without Depot
28m 23s
Use Depot with your favorite tools and services, from your existing CI providers, to infrastructure-as-code, to compute platforms.
Faster builds for everyone
you wanna see some real speed?
Building and releasing a complete nextjs app in 1m3s
(with help from @depotdev - insane 16s build and push thanks to caching)
Screenshot showing a GitHub Actions workflow where the build and push step takes 16 seconds
ok @depotdev is awesome! got my build & push from 30 mins to 4 and it will be about 12 seconds when cached *chef kiss*
Dan Loewenherz
Dan Loewenherz
Just want to give a public shoutout to @depotdev. Since migrating from the default GitHub actions runner, our Docker image build times have literally been cut in half.
Super impressive. So worth it. We are very happy customers. 😀
qemu emulations & buildkit made our arm builds really slow! tried out @depotdev and saw instant 10x faster builds at @formbricks 🚀
Mike Turck
Mike Turck
we've found @depotdev to be incredible for reducing our own build times by >10x, from 8 min to 20s in one case
I build 3 react apps, and 7 Golang binaries + golang tests on every single commit -- all in about 30 seconds total thanks to some very precise docker context management, docker run cache mounts, and the incredible caches provided by @depotdev. All in a single `depot bake` command
Matthieu Napoli
Matthieu Napoli
I am blown away by @depotdev, it's making the bref runtimes pipeline finally usable
"docker build" becomes "depot build" in GitHub Actions and:
- fast cross-platform builds (e.g. ARM)
- everything is cached aggressively
10 to 20 times faster builds!
Screenshot summarizing build times before and after switching to Depot, showing a 10 to 20 times speedup
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)
"How do these competitors of ours move so fast?! They fix bugs in hours instead of days, they develop new features in days instead of weeks, and their sales cycle is weeks instead of months!?!"
Pro-tip: build a developer experience team that tries out new tools like @depotdev 😉
Just switched all of my multi-platform container builds over to using depot.dev. No cache github aciton build was 30m+. Cached was ~8m. Initial depot build (no cache): 3m. Amazing.
Aidan W Steele
Aidan W Steele
Building a container on my laptop: 19m40s, slow, makes me want to cry.
Building it on @depotdev: 4m42s, speedy, makes me smile. But doesn't heat up my room enough, so I have to wear a jumper.
Krishnan Chandra
Krishnan Chandra
Depot has been fantastic for us! We managed to get our build times down from ~8.5 minutes to ~30 seconds using the caching and cross-platform builds out of the box 😀
Dan Manges
Dan Manges
We switched to @depotdev for building our docker images at @rwx_research. Our build times are twice as fast and integration was impressively easy with their support for GitHub's OIDC token. It's easy to spot when we switched in our CI analytics.
Screenshot of a graph showing a sharp drop in build times after switching to Depot
Amazing work. Depot really is a game changer.
Your builds have never been this quick.
Start building